£eith Chooses 2021 – it’s happening!

Many thanks to all who responded to our recent survey. What a rich and heart-warming show of care, commitment, and bright ideas!

The overwhelming consensus was that £eith Chooses 2021 should go ahead, even in the current challenging and less than ideal circumstances. And it’s happening!

The good news is that, with a little help from the Council, we have found a way to arrange online voting for £eith Chooses 2021, so we won’t need to have a ‘Panel’ to allocate funding after all. We will still hold at least one public meeting online, to support participation, bring everyone up to speed, and to discuss a number of the points brought up in the survey. More news on that soon!

But because time is now short (how did that happen?), we need to push on with the project meanwhile. The Themes used previously received a majority approval rating in the survey results, so we’re sticking broadly with those same topic areas.The 2021 theme is:

In these Covid times- 

  • Challenging food poverty in Leith
  • Reducing isolation / ensuring connectedness

There is £46,102 available for projects (max. £5,000 per project)

Application Forms are now available here, and groups will have until 11 December 2020 to fill them in and return them.
The £eith Chooses team will offer support to applicants on demand, but that will be online or by phone, rather than in person. Watch our website for details.

Voting will take place online in January 2021. We will do what we can to help people who cannot easily get online, to vote.

Please get in touch with any questions, or to request an application form. Caroline.Lamond@edinburgh.gov.uk